In an interview with the BBC on Thursday, the French President called for a ceasefire in Gaza and adhering to humanitarian laws. Macron condemned Hamas’s attack on October 7 and acknowledged Israel‘s right to retaliate. Meanwhile, he reiterated that bombing civilians isn’t the right way for Israel to protect itself.
“I was one of the first leaders to call the prime minister and president of Israel after the terrorist attack on 7 October, we clearly condemn this terrorist attack and we recognize the right of Israel to protect itself and react.” He said.
He added: “But day one with this reaction and the fight against terrorism because it is led by a democracy it should be compliant with humanitarian international laws. “He continued: “Day after day what we saw is the permanent bombing of civilians in Gaza. “
“ I think it’s very important to say the whole story, but I think this the only solution we have This ceasefire. Because it’s impossible to explain we want to fight against terrorism by killing innocent people”
He replied to the presenter’s question “ Do you think Israel is respecting the international rules? by saying “ At first, everybody was close to, backing Israel and sharing the pain, we know what terrorism means in France, but I think there is no justification precisely to attack civilians .”
Then, the anchor asked the president: “Israel is guilty of breaking international humanitarian laws? “
The president replied: “We do recognize the right of Israel to protect themselves, today civilians are bombed, there are babies, there are ladies, there’s old people are bombed and killed”
He added “There is no reason for that and no legitimacy. So, we do urge Israel to stop, I just remind everybody of international law. I call for a ceasefire. “
Most Notably, Macron is among Western leaders who have visited Israel since the attacks to show solidarity.
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