In a joint investigation by The Insider, CBS’s 60 minutes and Der Spielgel, new accounts of Havana Syndrome were unearthed – a mysterious disease which impacted the brains of U.S diplomats. The reports pinned Russia as an alleged perpetrator of the disease.
In a joint media investigation released on Sunday, a Russian Intelligence Unit was deemed for the genesis of the mysterious Havana syndrome, targeting U.S diplomats.
According to the latest joint investigation report, the U.S diplomats who have expressed symptoms like – hearing loss or brain injuries may have been targeted by Russian sonic weaponry. These directed energy weapons, the report indicated were employed by unit 29155 of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate – (GRU). This military unit has a notorious history of being accused for several international incidences.
The report pronounced that it has accumulated evidence which can prove the whereabouts of the unit personnel in junction to the time and place when the U.S diplomats reported symptoms.
The Insider – a Russian focused site – has reported that 29155 unit officers were rewarded and received political promotions for their work in the development of “non-lethal acoustic weapons”.
A 2020 incident was recounted in a follow-up report from the Insider, 60-minues and Der Spielgel, when a Russian spy who worked in a Russian themed restaurant as a chef in New York and Washington DC was interrogated by a FBI agent who later came down with Havana Syndrome. Many such instances were investigated to find a common ground.
The report said the common link between victims of the syndrome was a “Russian nexus”.
The report also documented numerous accounts of personal stories of U.S diplomats and how their lives changed after the incident. Many expounding on the professional setbacks they had to encounter. The American Foreign Service Association acknowledged the Havana syndrome as a catalyst for the affected recruitment in U.S embassies.
Havana Syndrome
It was in 2016 when the Havana Syndrome was first reported by diplomats at the U.S embassy in Cuba, followed by staffs in other locations globally. Their symptoms included bloody noses, headaches, disturbed auditory sensations and vision problems.
In 2021, Congress passed “Havana Act”, authorizing the state departments to take charge to uncover the origin of the disease. The act commissioned government agencies to provide payments to staff and their families who were badly affected by the syndrome.
In an earlier U.S intelligence report, a suspicion that the diplomats affected might have been attacked by an energy weapon fired from a secret device was alleged. But with no consolidatory evidence the report could not thrive.
But with the recent report and the evidences it corroborates, many officials have deemed the bar of proof to show Russia’s involvement very high.
Russia on Monday, dismissed the report citing its “baselessness”. Kremlin Spokesperson – Dmitry Peskov reiterated Moscow’s stand and asserted the unconvincing evidence of these unfounded accusations as both “unfound” and “unconvincing”.
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