India-Canada ties have reached to diplomatic bottom. As India expel, 41 Canadian diplomats from New Delhi. Amid the growing tension, UK and USA have expressed their concern over the departure of Canadian Diplomats. The nature of exchange between the authorities is of grave concern for the safety and well-being of the diplomats. India has removed immunity of 41 Canadian diplomats.
- ISI involvement
- Violation of Diplomatic Immunity
- Hardeep Singh Nijjar
Vienna Convention, 1961
Vienna Convention is a diplomatic framework that provides immunity to a diplomat in the host country. India and Canada have alleged each other for the violation of Vienna Convention. India cited article 11.1 of Vienna Convention.

“In the absence of specific agreement as to the size of the mission, the receiving State may require that the size of a mission be kept within limits considered by it to be reasonable and normal, having regard to circumstances and conditions in the receiving State and to the needs of the particular mission,” the Vienna Convention postulates.
The External Affairs Minister ‘S Jaishankar’ said, ‘India will likely start to issue visas as soon the ties with the Canadian authorities improve and the safety of our Indian diplomats are ensured.’ While the Indian official statement made to the Canadian authorities were “Ottawa and New Delhi should have equal number of diplomats”.
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Killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar
This is the aftermath, of the allegation spunned by the Canadian Prime Minister ‘Justin Trudeau’. Hardeep Singh Nijjar was a Canadian citizen, who was killed in the month of June. He was a vocal advocate of separate nation for sikhs in India. While Khalistan remains a figment of the imagination. A section of Canadian politicians champion the ideology. Canadian Prime Minister in a parliamentary session alleged Indian Agents for the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar.
Canada withdrew 41 Diplomats
Diplomats are necessary tools for resolving issues at the ground level. After, Canada expelled a top Indian diplomat. India retaliated with expelling 41 diplomats and 42 dependants.
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New Delhi asked Ottawa to reduce diplomats
New Delhi gave an ultimatum to Ottawa to reduce the number of diplomats in the capital. Canada responded by extracting their diplomats from New Delhi. Canadian top official said, “India has decided to take their own decisions which are precedent-setting and revoking the diplomatic immunity of 41 diplomats is not only unprecedented but also contrary to international law and so in that sense because this is so unprecedented and would put so many countries, different diplomats around the world in danger. We decide not to reciprocate.”
ISI Plot
According to a source, ISI has killed Hardeep Singh Nijjar to strain India-Canada ties. Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), are now looking for a replacement of Hardeep Singh Nijjar. ISI involvement in funding the Khalistani supporter is not a new revelation.